Planet Name: Luma
Planet Characteristics: 60% water 40% land, Highly populated by the amount of captured biomass and Necrohemilliae. The lesser spores of the Necrohemilliae inhabit the lower atmosphere and any carbon based lifeforms not native to the planet will quickly die out on here if not properly prepared.
Satellites contain: Daedroth (small moon, uninhabited, calcium deposits abundant)
Sullusta (small moon, minor Necrohemilliae infestation, copper deposits)
Planet Picture:
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Solar System Name: Centriole system (permission acquired).
Planets in your Solar System: (Refer to Neobender's 'Centriole definition')
Species on your planet: Humans and Necrohemilliae.
Atmosphere: Oxygen, traces of CO2 and Hydrogen.