During the big bang, Sub-Hets were created by parts of the super heated explosion that took place. This is what has believed to have given them their red colour instead of blue. Some state it's pureply because of the amount of blood they drink, however this statement is just a rumour. It's curious to why Sub-Hets can only exit Somerset during the Leap Year. Somerset was little known to the Hets living on Lucraneon, and when the first Sub-Het tried to make contact with Lucraneon by making it's own ship and landing there, it died instantly as soon as it got out. Soon, as the Hets from Earth arrived from Earth, they noticed Somerset and discussed it a bit after the landing. The Hets explored, and realized it had a relation. Research was taken place, but nothing was proven definately of the myseries on Somerset. Soon the Venuses moved in, and Venuses living on Somerset felt quite at home.